Monday, June 05, 2006

OCD & ADD - A Bad Combination

OCD & ADD - A Bad Combination

I have OCD and ADD. So, I wash my hands incessantly. Then, I'm multi-tasking and can't remember what I was just doing and wash my hands again. My skin is so dry...and I hate hand lotion! It feels greasy and just makes me wash my hands again. WASH....Wash...wash!!!

My poor dry hands

I've tried expensive lotion at expensive stores. Bottom line, still too greasy, it just smells good (and costs more). Wash...wash!! Then, even my doctor noticed my dry, cracked hands and made a recommendation... Aveeno. Embarrassed that my doctor made a comment when I didn't even go to see him for that, I desperately tried it...hmmm...nice! Very expensive for OTC stuff...but greasy feel, left my hands feeling nice and soft...great stuff! Hmmm...wash!

Aveeno, mi amor!

I don't think they make hand lotion for people with OCD. I wash my hands for everything! Okay, you know for the normal stuff that everybody does (bathroom, blowing nose, touching dirty stuff, etc.). But then, there's the OCD stuff, washing hands when coming home because I touched "public" stuff, before making meals (everything that goes in my body must be clean), petting my dog...I could go on and on. Yeah, OCD...bad. But, OCD and ADD combo...really bad.

About a Dog

Oh yeah, about my dog...I rather hesitated before getting him. Yeah, not just because of the OCD problem about hand washing. I always loved animals and really wanted a dog, but it IS a big decision. I have major OCD problems about getting over things. Dogs live, what 10 to 12 years, right? I'll get him, fall in love with him, then he'll die. Then I'll pine away for him for a really long time. He's 4 years old now and I've been on death watch since I got him when he was 8 weeks old.

Low-to-the-ground, ergonomically sound, soft & furry, warm & cuddly

I've come to really love my cute little dog, a Pembroke Welsh Corgi. He's very smart, loving, and keeps my feet warm on cold winter nights. So, I was thinking, I'll kill two birds with one stone! I'll make a footstool out of him when he dies! He's just about the perfect height and he'll still be there to keep my feet warm!! Eureka, what a great idea!!!

Ball & claw leg footstool

Collie footstool

Panda footstool

So, I looked on the internet and found that I'm not the first person who thought of this wonderful idea. Highly collectible furniture bear ball and claw legs. Manufacturers make lovable, cuddly-soft animal footstools for little kids. Even out of endangered species such as desensitizing is that? Taxidermists preserve trophies out of hunters prize catches du jour. So, how horrible is my idea? Okay, a little morbid perhaps, but people will get used to it and then they'll love it! Think about it...a whole new industry will grow out of preservation! Wunderbar!

p.s. Seriously, where is your sense of humor. Please don't send PETA after me nor hate emails...i'm just kidding.


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