Tuesday, June 13, 2006

My Detroit

My Detroit
(the Way I See It)

Maybe I look through rose-colored
(uh...make that lime green) glasses,
perhaps I just wane in nostalgia

But, I find beauty in Detroit,
and not just in the usual places
(like the natural loveliness of Belle Isle)

The old, graceful architecture
draws me to them,
time and again
and make me wonder,
who designed them,
what influenced them

Somewhere in time,
someone has enjoyed these places before
And, by the grace of God and mankind,
these structures stand before me

And I am allowed to enjoy
its brilliant beauty once again

Even those lacking
in architectural uniqueness,
their durability, their history,
their striking, bright colors
scream for equal recognition

Demure in stature,
standing side-by-side
and in close proximity
to overwhelming behemoths,
they both bear equal weight
in time and history

The thought and agonizing detail
put into minutia,
such as a doorway
showcase their history,
their love of art,
their love for the City

Interspersed with the aging,
historical architecture of Detroit
are the modern wonders,
equally pleasing and wonderful;
there is room for appreciation for both

But, I am continually drawn
by my first love,
my intrigue;
they captivate and enthrall me

I dream about them;
are they still inhabited?
Do people still enjoy the interior beauty?
I saw a guard standing inside
their ugly fenced gates
and noticed the barbed wires
on their upper platforms

All the great attractions are here
in the Museum District;
the Detroit Science Center,
the African-American Museum,
the Detroit Public (Main) Library,
the Detroit Historical Library,
the Detroit Institute of Arts,
the Medical Center,
Wayne State University,
and so much more!

The buildings morph,
like WSU's Old Main,
remain in its stead
the usage changes
as the circumstances warrant

There must be a need
in this busy district
that a convenience store
thought it necessary
to operate 24 hours

Some commercial vendors have
operated their businesses here
for awhile and their patrons
show their appreciation,
returning time and again

Some 'special' touches I love
are the comfy benches
at the bus stop whilst waiting
under a shade tree

I love the variety of
entertainment offered here

Meanwhile, there's a revival going on
in downtown Detroit
In the wee morning hours
on an obscure weekend
I notice cars parked
alongside Washington Boulevard

At night, the Fox Theatre's marquee
sparkles and draws in a crowd

I even see beauty
in the simple and obscure,
things that others may deem 'ugly'

General Motors has made great strides
in beautifying the Renaissance Center;
they've torn down the urgly (yes, urgly) berm
and have made it seem
much more part of the community

Yes, there still a some scary-looking parts of Detroit;
but, these places have been reclaimed by developers
looking to convert many old, abandoned buildings
into liveable lofts in the Downtown & Midtown areas

These buildings have been boarded up
and put to sleep for years;
But their architectural beauty remains
timelessly unabated,
waiting for their time
to return...is it time now?

I return home,
full of hope for Detroit's future;
Detroit - my hometown

But for now,
this will have to do
- adieu!


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